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More silencing and lying from the Left

Sal Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” has been the playbook for the woke Left in its malicious campaign to radically transform American society.

Rule #10:
“The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”

Rule #13:
“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. “

Keep those rules in mind while I review the latest attempts from the metropolitan elitists running Maine schools and media to silence the voices of concerned parents.

Woke school administrators and their legal arm are pulling out all the stops to silence concerned parents.

Maine First Patriots have been making a difference in the fight against Critical Race Theory and gender-bending LGBTQQAI2+ propaganda indoctrination in the classroom.

Forgotten Parents are making their voices heard at school board meetings all across the state.

School board officials are being challenged at the ballot box by Maine Patriots.

And Maine First Project has been very successful in utilizing the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) to unearth troubling information about what your children and grandchildren are being taught in school – and then activating our supporters to stand for a return to normalcy.

So, how does the San Francisco Values crowd respond? 

1. Jacking up the cost of FOAA requests to insane levels – when this information regarding curriculum and learning should be transparent and publicly available.
2. Removing concerned parents from school board meetings – sometimes for things as simple as quoting a book that is assigned reading for elementary students.
3. Bogging down Maine Patriots with legal fees and bills and time from ambulance-chasing nuisance lawyers.

Shawn McBreairty is a nationally recognized activist fighting to get schools back in the business of teaching the Three Rs and out of woke indoctrination game.

I’m proud to call Shawn a friend and ecstatic he’s a part of the Maine First Project team as our Director of Special Projects.

Shawn is effective – and because of that, he’s now being targeted.

Let’s take a minute to examine recent actions the radical Left is employing in the hopes of getting Shawn to just shut up, take his ball and go home.  

While trying to get to the bottom of brainwashing in the RSU 22 school district in Hampden. Shawn received an invoice for $21,037.15. The educrats said they needed that much to cover the cost of the labor needed to gather all the information about Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, microaggressions, bias, and institutional racism – and of course to pay lawyers to tell them how much of it had to be disclosed versus how much they could keep behind lock and key.

For that much money, you can even fill up your tank during these crippling times of Bidenflation!

But expecting any parent to fork over more than $20k to find out what their children are being taught in the classroom is beyond ridiculous – it’s an obvious and shady attempt to hide the district’s brainwashing under a cloak of darkness. 

But Shawn kept up the fight. He continued showing up at school board meetings and confronting board members with the same propaganda and pornography Maine students are being exposed to on a daily basis.

So, the radicals took the next step in their rule book…

The Hampden board has banned Shawn from attending any more school board meetings — or from stepping foot on campus for the remainder of 2022!

The last straw for Hampden was when he read one of the assigned books for the board. It seems the board members ears couldn’t handle the phrase “anal sex,” despite insisting school children read all about it.

And now the Hermon School District has gone as far as filing a lawsuit against Shawn!

They say Shawn is bullying teachers by showing up to school board meetings or exposing the brainwashing on his podcast Maine Source of Truth, available on Spreaker, Apple, Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts – it’s a great listen and I recommend checking it out.

According to the suit, one teacher felt so bullied, she had to change classrooms for her peace of mind.

Now, it is important to note, Shawn has never threatened a single teacher or administrator. The most he’s done is threaten to vote out school board members who prefer the LGBTQQAI2+ and Black Lives Matter hateful curriculum over reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The Hermon lawsuit uses language from the school’s code of conduct policies. However, Shawn is not a student or faculty member – those policies don’t apply to concerned parents exercising their first amendment right to free speech and assembly.

Furthermore, the suit they filed claims “public schools in Maine are responsible for providing a free appropriate public education to all students of school age in the state (Facts, page 2, A 4).”

But the fact is 65% of Hermon High School students are BELOW, or WELL BELOW the State MDOE assessment guidelines from the last assessment done in 2018/19 – including 79% of 5th graders!  

And the idea of the instruction being “free” is laughable. These radical teachers and principals aren’t volunteering their time. The fact is, the majority of your property tax dollars are going to schools to fund the indoctrination of your kids, your neighbors’ kids, and kids all around the state.

However, the MDOE has buried this data online. You simply can’t even find it anymore.

The lawsuit also alleges that “Schools depend on their ability to attract and keep talented and proficient educators in order to be able to provide their students with quality education.”  

What a freaking joke!  If this is the best and brightest then it is borderline child abuse to leave your kids in these government-run schools. Start making plans now for different schooling options next fall.

Fighting this legal battle is going to cost Shawn a great deal in legal expenses – and perhaps even of more value – time, when he could be exposing the radical Left’s intentions for the next generation of Mainers. 

And that’s exactly what they want. In fact, they’re hoping Shawn will be so weighed down, he simply gives up.

Maine’s Fake News Outlets have been quick to rush to the defense of the school districts and those poor “bullied” groomers.

Lia Russell was up to her old tricks in her latest Fake News Hit Piece. Russel likes to redefine a word used by her political opponents and then use that word to make them look bad. 

Here’s her latest example.

“’ Groomers’ is a canard used to depict LGBTQ people as pedophiles that has become popular among conservative politicians,” Russell wrote.

Fact check – wrong!

No one is saying all gay people are groomers or pedophiles. Russell has to lie to make her audience hate the subject of her hit pieces. 

The fact is, very few of these teachers and school administrators are actually gay or bisexual, or trans, or whatever the rest of the letters, numbers, and symbols mean.

They’re garden-variety, white, college-educated, “progressives,” who make up one of the last remaining voting blocs of the Democrat party.

We call THEM groomers because they literally groom our children and grandchildren in anti-science propaganda that goes against the values of the nuclear family. 

And Lia, could you run an edit on your piece and at least spell Shawn’s last name correctly if you’re going to attack and lie about him?

No, instead Russell just penned a full article doing nothing but citing the nuisance lawsuit – just great reporting, she really earned her paycheck this week.

Why do they want to silence Maine First Project and Shawn McBreairty so badly?

Because we’re effective.

Shawn has traveled the state calling attention to the brainwashing of school children. For example, Shawn brought to light a Hermon High School Library display featuring more than 40 transgender books teaching students about sexual perversions and of course the never-ending supply of genders. 

And you thought there were just two genders – you silly science denier.

The images from the Hermon High School Library – available for 13-year-olds — were brought to Shawn’s attention by a mother who had been intimidated into silence by the Left.

Hermon High also has a student group to hold teachers hostage for extortion, with a grotesque, life-sized non-binary Cathy doll.

Mallory Cook – the Never-Trumper 9th grade English teacher in Hermon — actually used a school classroom to record a pro- Bernie Sanders video for the criminal street gang Maine People’s Alliance in the fall of 2020. In fact, the moderator of this Leftist, progressive Democrat video states, “Maine is a battleground state that Joe Biden must win.” Furthermore, it states, “…we need to generate a historic turnout to defeat Trump and defeat him badly.”

It’s nice that while student assessment scores flatline here in the Pine Tree State, instructors are prioritizing electioneering as opposed to actual teaching.

Cook is the PAID, faculty member of the district’s Gay Sexuality Alliance (GSA). According to information from a FOAA request, the Hermon School Department denies there are any written details on this shadow-figure group.

Meanwhile, Hermon is pushing Critical Race Theory in the book, “The Cultural Landscape,” in Human Geography class. The book claims, “the civil rights movement continues through Black Lives Matter, founded in 2013 (under Obama), after several unarmed African American men were killed. The objectives of Black Lives Matter include…educating others about the challenges that African Americans continue to face in the United States.”

After Shawn and Maine First Project fought back against the propaganda, Herman Superintendent Jim Chasse resigned in shame.

However, we haven’t heard the last of Chasse. Instead of ruining just one school district, he can use his reverse-Midas-touch on all Maine classrooms — as he now works for the Maine Department of Education.

The dance of the lemons, folks.

Woke teachers and radical school administrators don’t want parents to know what’s happening behind the brick walls of Maine’s government-run schools.  

These “public” schools won’t even allow you, the taxpayer, to go inside them anymore — for fear of you seeing the LGBTQQAI2+ banners hanging all over and the kiddie porn on the shelves.  They are normalizing kinky sex to your children, with your tax dollars.

They are groomers.

And they’re also teaching students to hate people based on their skin color.

It’s the opposite of what the much-needed Civil Rights Movement stood for.

The woke twitter mob claims you and I don’t want history being taught in school – but that’s not the case at all. It’s the woke mob’s radical revisionist history we have a problem with. 

Maine First Project supports Shawn’s efforts – that’s why we’ve brought him on board as our Director of Special Projects. In that role, he’s expanding our crucial Forgotten Parents Initiative.

And as much as I’m so excited to have Shawn on board, I’m every bit as excited to have your support. Working side-by-side, we will stand up for Maine values and stand against the metropolitan elitists who want to turn Maine into San Francisco on steroids.


Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project


Maine First Project’s Director of Special Projects, Shawn McBreairty is the target of bogus legal action meant to silence his opposition to the brainwashing taking place in Maine classrooms.

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