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Blaine House Beast Puts Foreigners First

As if Maine needed any new incentives to entice illegal immigrants to settle here, the virtue-signaling lunatics on the Westbrook planning board are revving up to build yet another migrant magnet.

Here’s the recent headline from The Maine Wire:

Insane is the new normal at every level of government in Maine, from the Blaine House to the Statehouse to your local school district — Cumberland County in particular.

Gov. Millstone and her stooges are shoving lifelong Mainers to the back of the housing waitlist line, to make way for illegal aliens who crashed Traitor Joe’s wide-open southern border. 

We will see more headlines like this one from The Maine Wire last month:

To add insult to injury, these horror stories are routinely ignored or buried by Maine’s lying, dying Fake News media outlets. Steve Robinson and his crew at The Maine Wire are the only journalists left in Maine. If you haven’t already, sign up to have their daily newsletter delivered to your inbox.

Two things I’m certain of with regard to Maine’s illegal immigration crisis: it is unsustainable, and it will get worse before it gets better.

Even if the Democrats lose their majorities in the Maine Legislature in November, Jackboot Janet will continue to have veto power for the next two years over any attempt to shut down her alien resettlement agency — the so-called “Office of New Americans.”

So….what are we to do?

Ask yourself: What would Sam Adams and Patrick Henry do if they were in our shoes?

First of all, be prepared for a long march. Be patient, persistent, and resolute. That’s the least we can do for our children and grandchildren.

Our mission at Maine First Project is to recruit and train a grassroots army of patriotic Mainers, equipping them to
go on offense against the Left-wing diversity fascists who have declared war on Maine’s culture and economy. Aided and abetted by their allies in academia and the media, they have already done enormous damage to our Maine way of life.

Now more than ever, our team is prepared to fight fire with fire (figuratively speaking) in the culture wars that rage around us.

We didn’t start this fight, but we’ll be happy to finish it.

In this context, Maine First Project is best seen as a school of political and cultural warfare. Think of us as a battle tank rather than a think tank.

Our next free Activist Training is on September 14th from 9 am to noon in Paris. This event is by invitation only, so let me know if you’re interested. Seating is limited, so don’t delay. September will be here before you know it.

Finally, check out this stark rendering of the Beast in the Blaine House. The artist is my brother John Lockman.

Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project

I’ve always liked this quote from Sam Adams:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

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