The main point of Robert’s Rules of order is to conduct meetings in an orderly and efficient manner.
Items to be discussed must be listed on the agenda or voted to be added to the agenda by a majority of those participating at the meeting. Participants are all board members and those who have signed into the meeting as participants and/or those who have been listed as guest speakers, and visitors (parents, grandparents etc.) even if limited in their time of speaking….If they exclude you from speaking, you can say, “ I appeal from the position of the chair”. See Note below if there is no sign-up sheet.
Discussion will only occur on motions and after speakers who are included on the agenda.
A motion requires opportunity for pro and con comments. Almost every motion must have both sides, pro and con, discussed. (There are very few that are not debatable, such as a motion to adjourn.)
All discussion will be limited to the pro and con comments, no discussion occurs unless a motion is on the floor.
Any motion made may be amended by another motion which must be seconded and voted upon. Amendments and motions are taken in order, i.e., in the order that they have been recognized by the Chair. It is proper and necessary to have every motion read in its entirety, even including the punctuation.
The Chair will announce a speaking order if several people wish to speak.
The Chair will not allow for repeated arguments, pro or con. Any participant may say “I move the previous question”, which means you are calling for a vote now on the motion. The Chair will allow the vote unless there is a request for more discussion of the motion. The secretary will read the exact wording of all motions and amendments prior to the actual vote.
If there is a signup sheet, be ready to make a motion, second a motion, or speak on a motion. Often there is a signup sheet for those who are not members of the board. Visiting participants who wish to speak must be on the agenda or added to the agenda by a majority vote and the speaking time may be limited. There are several ways that you can be a speaker: all members of the board are speakers, guests listed on the agenda are speakers, guests added to the agenda by a vote at the meeting may be speakers, and finally those who have signed in as participants on a signup sheet usually provided at the beginning of the meeting may be speakers.
A motion to adjourn must be voted upon with no discussion allowed and takes precedence over all other motions. If the motion is passed by a majority vote, the meeting stands adjourned.
Note: Most motions are passed or failed by a majority of the votes. The vote may be counted by: voice, by standing, by a secret ballot, or by a show of hands — any member may request the manner of counting the vote.
If there is no sign-up sheet, you will probably not be recognized. If this happens your best alternative is to have a board member present your motion.
Robert S. Wilkinson copyright 7-8-2022