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About Us

Restoring Maine to the Way Life Should Be.

Cadillac Mountain sunset

Restoring Maine to the Way Life Should Be.

  • Pass policies which advance traditional values and a Maine First Agenda
  • Fact Check Maine’s lying, dying Fake News outlets.
  • Fill School Boards with patriotic Maine parents.
  • Aid Maine’s traditional Fishing, Farming and Foresty industries.
  • Build a peaceful and patriotic army of grassroot activists in Maine.
Close to the peak of fall color in the leaves at the State House of Main in Augusta USA

Activist Training Courses

  • How to engage and motivate your friends and neighbors.
  • How to convince lawmakers to champion Maine First policies.
  • How recruit and motivate passionate volunteers.
  • How to build and network coalitions of like-minded patriots.
  • How to properly message Maine First policies to the masses.
  • How to acquire earned-media and use media properly.
  • How to execute the ground tactics necessary to win at the ballot box.
Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, Bristol, Maine

A Maine First Agenda to Return Maine to the Way Life Should Be

  • Insist that Immigration Policy for Maine be Merit-Based, Color-Blind, and
  • Defund Harboring Havens (aka “Sanctuary Cities”)
  • End the Refugee Resettlement Racket
  • Stop All Welfare Benefits and Aid to Illegals
  • Mandate E-Verify for Employers