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We CAN’T allow the Left to win this round!

Maine’s K-12 government-run schools have morphed into brainwashing laboratories treating students like subjects of a mad scientist’s experiment in psychological warfare. Critical Race Theory, demented gender-bender ideology, and kiddie porn litter Maine classrooms. Maine’s 2022 Teacher of…

More silencing and lying from the Left

Sal Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” has been the playbook for the woke Left in its malicious campaign to radically transform American society. Rule #10: “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain…

They just can’t silence all of us!

We have their attention and they’re getting desperate! Woke school administrators and their legal arm are pulling out all the stops to silence concerned parents. Maine First Patriots have been making a difference in the fight against…

Frank McCormick – A Teachers Perspective On Indoctrination In School

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Code of Ethics for Maine Teachers

Heads-up from our Director of Special Projects, Shawn McBreairty…. Fellow Mainer, Universal pre-K, followed by thirteen years in government-run schools, topped off by “free” college. When you factor in debunked Critical Race Theory, gender-bending propaganda, and kiddie-porn brainwashing…

LD 2003 Post-Mortem: Nice Guys Finish Last

They never took their eyes off the prize… That’s the most important lesson to learn from the Democrats’ aggressive campaign to enact their fake “affordable housing” bill in the closing days of the legislative session. While woke legislators in Augusta stayed focused…