A project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
The fight to enact a Code of Ethics to protect our children.
By Sara Dogan
Over the past few years, parents across our nation have awoken to…
Maine’s K-12 Transgender Express encountered a speed bump last week just north of Bangor, jarring one of the wheels loose.
There were no reported injuries.
For now, the bus is parked in the breakdown lane, waiting for…
Dr. Alan Bean, MD briefs grassroots activists at Maine First Project training session on May 13, 2023 in Gorham
I had a year of specialized psychiatric training after med school before realizing that half the…
By Larry Lockman
Thomas Sowell cannot be found on any Maine Department of Education reading lists.
If you’re on this media platform reading this piece of commentary, my guess is that you’re just as fed up as…
By Steve Robinson
A nonprofit that has received nearly $400,000 in taxpayer funding under the Mills Administration is celebrating “Pansexual Awareness Day” for children aged 9 to 13 enrolled in its “Fruit Loops” program, according to…
For daring to protect kids from trans madness.
by Robert Spencer
David Horowitz Freedom Center
Mike Kennedy is a state senator in Utah. He is the sponsor of Utah’s SB 16, which “prohibits performing sex…
I guess we knew, or at least suspected, that Portland, Maine is jealous of that other, bigger Portland on the left coast.
Now it looks like the competition is heating up to see which Portland is…
FAIR Staff
While distressing, it’s not surprising that towns adjacent to the U.S. — Mexico border incur large populations of illegal aliens and asylum seekers. After all, every month more than 200,000 of them waltz through Biden’s open-door…
By Steve Robinson
The Superintendent of the Hermon public schools, Micah Grant, sends his children to a private religious school — Bangor Christian School (BCS) — and at a recent informational meeting held by the school…
When I presented a bill to outlaw Critical Race Theory indoctrination in Maine's K-12 government-run schools in February 2019, I had a pretty good idea it would trigger angry opposition from all the usual suspects.
By Larry Lockman
Press Herald Opinion Editor Siobhán Brett (Source: Facebook)
It’s no secret that Reade Brower’s MaineToday Media empire – five daily newspapers and 25 weeklies across the state – doesn’t engage in journalism so much…
"Academic learning is definitely going to take a backseat to all of these other pieces."
That revelation fell from the lips of the woman who oversees Maine's failing government-run schools.
And the "other pieces" she's referring to…