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Now that the legislative session from Hades has mercifully adjourned, we can begin to assess the damage done to Maine’s culture and economy by the left-wing diversity fascists who dominate the legislative and executive branches of state government.

Let’s focus today on the crown jewel of their Foreigners First ideology, the so-called “Office of New Americans,” an executive-branch resettlement agency for illegal aliens. It was proposed by executive order last August to attract 75,000 non-citizens to settle in Maine at taxpayer expense over the next 5 years. 

The three-page bill (LD 2167) was tucked 185 pages into the nearly 250-page supplemental budget that passed in both chambers and was signed into law by Gov. Millstone. There was no floor debate on the measure.

The bad news is that we’re stuck with this migrant magnet for at least two years, if not longer.

Here’s the good news.

Enactment of this bill is another manifestation of unbridled arrogance and overreach by the open-borders fanatics in Augusta. It seems like the zealots are determined to rouse the slumbering giant from his decades-long nap. The resettlement of tens of thousands of foreign nationals in free housing with free food, free healthcare, and free education should serve as a deafening wake-up call to Mainers, even in woke Cumberland County. 

Check out this photo of a business on Forest Avenue in Portland:

Bear in mind that Gov. Millstone’s declared objective is to resettle 75,000 new immigrant “workers.” If just half of them have a spouse and one dependent child, that means 150,000 “new Mainers” to house, feed, educate, and medicate.

What could possibly go wrong?

The beast in the Blaine House doesn’t care if these new “workers” are unemployed, on welfare, or dealing drugs. Mills just wants tens or hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from across the Third World to move here and start birthing anchor babies. Once that process begins in earnest, the demographic transformation will be irreversible. 

Will you help Maine First Project shine a bright light on this impending catastrophe?

Please keep your eyes and ears open in your community. And feel free to send me an email message describing what you’re seeing and hearing. Of course, photos are always welcome. And I won’t share your name with anyone.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant.

You can also help by chipping in to support our work at Maine First Project. We were the ONLY organization in Maine that showed up at the public hearing and submitted testimony opposing LD 2167. Your gift of $20, $35, $50, $100 — or whatever you can afford — will enable our team to continue and expand this important work.

If we don’t fix this, it’s lights out on liberty in Maine.

By the time our grandchildren and great-grandchildren reach adulthood, Maine will look and feel more like a little Los Angeles than the birthplace of Joshua Chamberlain and Percival Baxter.

Restoring Maine to The Way Life Should Be begins here and now.

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