Maine First Agenda
A Maine First Agenda to Return Maine to the Way Life Should Be
Putting Mainers First
- Insist that Immigration Policy for Maine be Merit-Based, Color-Blind, and
Race-Neutral - Defund Harboring Havens (aka “Sanctuary Cities”)
- End the Refugee Resettlement Racket
- Stop All Welfare Benefits and Aid to Illegals
- Mandate E-Verify for Employers

Making Maine Education Great Again
- Reaffirm Parents’ Fundamental Right to Direct the Education of Their
Children - Increase Funding for Post-Secondary Vocational Education
- Bring Back the Industrial Arts — Shop Class and Home Economics — in
Junior and Senior High Schools - Encourage Competition in the Education Marketplace
- Ban Political Indoctrination in Public School Classrooms
- Enact a Code of Ethics for Public School Teachers
Propelling Maine from Poverty to Prosperity
- Liberate Mainers from the State Income Tax
- Encourage Competition in the Healthcare Marketplace with Direct Primary
Care Programs, Supplemental Catastrophic Coverage, and Enhanced
Healthcare Savings Accounts - Preserve and Protect Mainers’ Fundamental Right to Medical Freedom of
Choice with Respect to Mask and Vaccine Mandates - Reduce Energy Costs for Businesses and Consumers By Lifting the Cap on
Clean, Cheap, Reliable Hydropower - End State Subsidies to Expensive, Inefficient, Unreliable Solar and Wind
Projects - Pass the Workplace Democracy Act, including Right to Work, Routine
Union Recertification Votes, and Paycheck Protection

Promoting Maine Pride
- Support Maine’s Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Industries by Repealing
Burdensome, Job-Killing Regulations - Push Back Against “Animal Rights” Activists and Environmental Extremists
Targeting Maine’s Lobster Industry for Extinction - Build Strong Branding Behind Maine Seafood and Agricultural Products
Draining the Swamp in Augusta
- Restore Election Integrity: Voter ID, Paper Ballots, No Mail-In Except
Absentee, Repeal Ranked Choice Voting - Require a Two-Thirds Vote of the House and Senate to Extend Any State
of Civil Emergency Declared by the Governor - Repeal Welfare for Politicians (aka “Clean Election” cash)
- Reform the Budget Process to Require Public Hearings on All Biennial
Budget Items, and Require 72-Hour Pause Before First Vote in the House - Lift the Free-Speech Restrictions on Mainers Involved in Election

Financial Contributions
98% of all donations are directed toward individuals in need. Your tax-deductible partnership with Equadio will make a powerful difference.