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ME Dept of Education ramps up K-12 indoctrination

The Left’s non-stop propaganda campaign celebrating the foreign invasion across America’s southern border is now targeting school-age children in Maine.

That hardly comes as a surprise, given the leftward lurch of Maine’s government-run K-12 schools over the past several decades.

But this new initiative is especially brazen.

Knucklehead bureaucrats at the Maine Department of Education are bragging about using $650,000 worth of federal pandemic relief funds to fill public school libraries with open-borders propaganda that will lower the IQ of anyone exposed to it. MDOE has partnered with the Portland-based left-wing non-profit I’m Your Neighbor to distribute nearly 6,200 books across the state, to be used as school districts see fit. 

Among the titles are Abuelita and Me by Leonarda Carranza, about a girl and her grandmother experiencing racism.

“Poignantly addresses racism and microaggressions” chirped Booklist. “In this touching, empowering picture book debut, a girl and her beloved abuelita lean on each other as they contend with racism while running errands in the city.”

Apparently, they didn’t get the memo about the USA’s deeply embedded systemic racism and white supremacy before they crossed the border. What a shame.

Here’s another diversity gem that’s being distributed to school libraries across Maine:

“Don’t miss out on this beautiful celebration of Islam and mosques as spaces for spiritual gathering! Step in and discover all the rituals and wonder of the mosque in this lyrical debut picture book from M. O Yuksel, with gorgeous artwork from New York Times bestselling illustrator Hatem Aly”. …Google Books

I have to confess that I haven’t waded through the entire list of children’s books MDOE and the non-profit I’m Your Neighbor are dumping into school libraries across the state. But I would be very surprised if there are any books being distributed that celebrate Christianity or the “rituals and wonders” of Christian cathedrals.

Here’s another children’s book celebrating Islam:

Diversity is so hip…

But the timing of this propaganda campaign was a bit awkward, with the launch coming on the same day last week when we learned that more than half a million illegal aliens with criminal histories are within our borders, including tens of thousands of murderers and rapists.

Read all about it right here:

Some of this mayhem is too close to home for many Mainers:

Instead of immersing Maine school children more deeply in the fetid open-borders swamp water, MDOE chief Pender Makin and her boss Gov. Millstone should sober up before yet another American citizen gets murdered or raped: 
In the meantime, here is my suggestion for “balancing the books” on immigration issues in Maine’s school libraries:

I encourage you to order two copies of this booklet, one for yourself and one to donate to your school district’s high school library. The cost is $4.50 each from the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

In “Crashing the Border: The Left’s Manufactured Crisis,” editor John Perazzo examines the deliberate strategy employed by Democratic politicians and leftist activists to stress and overwhelm our border security apparatus to its breaking point. The resulting crisis will then be used as a pretext to enact policies, such as amnesty, that will radically transform America’s political landscape and illegally import millions of future Democratic voters.
Place your order HERE.

I’m looking forward to hearing how receptive your school librarian is to accepting your gift. Let me know.

Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project

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