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Swamp Alert: K-12 Bathroom Policy on the Chopping Block

A local school board in mid-coast Maine is sharply divided between science-denying transgender cultists, and reality-based grown-ups who can actually tell the difference between a boy and a girl.

I don’t know how else to describe what’s going on in RSU 40, a rural school district serving Friendship, Union, Waldoboro, Warren, and Washington.

Last week, it was my pleasure to report that the grown-ups prevailed in the first round of the battle to repeal the district’s “gender identity” policy that compels female students to share toilet and shower facilities with mentally ill (gender dysphoric) boys.

Round Two — final adoption of the repeal motion — takes place on June 6th in Union. I invite you to be there in person to support the courageous school board members who didn’t cave in and didn’t back down to the mob of malicious miscreants who packed the May 16th meeting.

Between now and then, I encourage you to reach out to the board members listed below who voted “Yes” for repeal. They will be under enormous pressure from the bullies and lunatics who are sure to show up again in large numbers on June 6th.

These are the grown-ups
on the RSU 40 board of directors:

Naomi Aho
Joshua Blackman
Noah Botley
Joseph Henry
Randy Kassa
Nichole Taylor
Jeanette Wheeler
Melvin Williams

Feel free to forward this email alert to others, and share it on social media. You’re also welcome to access and share the legal opinion Maine First Project commissioned last fall, rebutting the false claim that allowing boys to relieve themselves in the girls’ restroom is a matter of “settled law.”

Be mindful that we are at the beginning of a long march to reclaim K-12 education from the cultural Marxists who have waged war on our public and private institutions for the past half-century. One thing we can be sure of — there won’t be any shortcuts on the path to restoring Maine to The Way Life Should Be.

Don’t be surprised if RSU 40 superintendent Steve Nolan continues to allow boys to use the girls’ restrooms and locker rooms even after the RSU 40 board repeals the gender-bender policy.

Our team is prepared for such an outcome. We’re working with partners at the state and national level to develop model school board policies concerning bathroom access, gender dysphoria, pronoun usage, and parental notification.

Maine First Project is in this fight for the long haul.

With that in mind, please consider connecting with our Mainers for Excellence in Education initiative. These local groups of parents and taxpayers are committed to holding local school boards accountable. This is a great opportunity to network with like-minded neighbors whose mission is to make education great again in Maine.

Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project

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