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Teachers’ Union Boss Wants to Fine Parents Who View or Record Online Instruction


May 19, 2021

Now that the racist, anti-American ideology known as Critical Race Theory is firmly entrenched in Maine’s government-run K-12 schools, guess what’s next on the agenda?

The statewide teachers’ union wants to slap fines on any parent who attempts to expose the indoctrination sessions that are a daily occurrence in our schools.

LD 864, “An Act To Protect Teachers’ Privacy While Delivering Remote Instruction,” is before the Judiciary committee for a work session tomorrow morning. Some time after 10 am committee members will likely debate and vote on the bill. 

Teachers’ union boss Grace Leavitt admitted in her testimony that the bill is meant to punish parents who blow the whistle on teachers who spew left-wing identity politics in the classroom.

Leavitt cited an incident last fall when a parent recorded a video clip of a seventh-grade teacher at Bangor’s James F. Doughty School delivering a lesson via Zoom on “racial privilege and identity.” The teacher lamented the oppression she endures as a woman in Maine in 2021.

It was almost comically stupid talk that would be worthy of nothing but ridicule, except that it was delivered to 7th graders, and paid for by taxpayers.

The parent shared the one-minute clip on social media — which was a violation of school department policy.

I too posted the clip on social media, where it got thousands of views and hundreds of shares.

Under the proposed bill (sponsored by Rep. Jan Dodge of Belfast), any “unauthorized person” who views such a video would be subject to a fine of at least $200, but not more than $500. These fines would also apply to anyone who records an online lesson.

Parents would only be permitted “incidental viewing” when assisting their child in accessing the remote learning, or they too would be subject to fines for watching online instruction.

This is such breathtaking hubris, I’m almost at a loss for words. These are people on the public payroll who seem to think they have a right to privacy in the workplace that overrides a parent’s right to supervise their minor child’s education. And now they want to punish any parent who so much as dares to pull the curtain back.

The education establishment’s contempt for parents is almost palpable. To quote David Horowitz once again: “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”

To watch the spectacle tomorrow live via Zoom, click here after 10 am.

To let the teachers’ union know what you think of this bill, you can call (207) 622-5866, or go to the website to leave them an appropriate comment.

And if you want to help Maine First Project continue shining a bright light into the darkest corners of the Augusta swamp, consider chipping in with $10, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford. We will put your gift to work expanding our outreach efforts.

As always, thanks for all you do every day to make Maine such a special place.

Best Regards,

Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project

PS  Is there any doubt that racial profiling, racial stereotyping, and racial scapegoating are the rule rather than the exception in Maine’s government-run K-12 schools?

I think not.

But there are still many parents who are uninformed about what’s happening in their local schools. Our Forgotten Parents Initiative was launched to reach those folks, and encourage them to take action.

Your gift to Maine First Project will ensure that we have the resources to continue reaching and mobilizing more Mainers for the battles ahead.

Stay tuned for announcements about our fall schedule of Free Activist Training sessions at a location near you.