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Turning the tide of wokeness, one school district at a time…

Cracks are beginning to appear in the armor of Maine’s corrupt and incompetent education establishment.

It’s about time!

The once-invincible cabal of teachers’ unions, Department of Education bureaucrats, lawyers, lobbyists, and Fake News propagandists finds itself in a bind. Despite their enormous advantage in cash and college degrees, these bad actors can’t manage to extinguish the simmering grassroots rebellion of parents and taxpayers who have had enough of the deliberate dumbing-down and indoctrination that define Maine’s K-12 government-run schools.

Now, we can add MSAD 40 in midcoast Maine to the list of school districts that have begun restoring some semblance of sanity with respect to protecting the privacy rights of female students. After a marathon session last Thursday that lasted till after midnight, the board approved the second reading of a motion to rescind a “gender identity” policy that compelled teenage girls to share toilet and shower facilities with mentally ill teenage boys pretending to be girls — but with male genitalia.

Maine School District Votes to Delete Transgender Student Policy – The Maine Wire

The now-repealed policy obligated staff and students to address mentally ill boys pretending to be girls by their chosen “let’s pretend” pronouns. Staffers and faculty were also required to honor a student’s request that his gender transition be kept secret from his parents.

Ask yourself: why was the vote to repeal this dangerous, demented policy the least bit controversial? How did we ever sink so low?

The fact that this was a close vote in a rural Maine school district is confirmation that we have a long road ahead of us to restore Maine to The Way Life Should Be. The aggressors in the culture wars have been in the trenches for decades while too many of us were AWOL and assumed that our public schools would never attempt to drive a wedge between parents and their children — much less put our children at risk of mental illness or physical assault.

So let’s re-double our efforts to clean the Augean stables in our communities, no matter where in Maine we live.

Bear in mind that the victory last Thursday night in MSAD 40 (Friendship, Union, Waldoboro, Warren, Washington) was narrow and is still very fragile. With four seats on the MSAD 40 Board of Directors on the ballot tomorrow, we’ll see whether the district moves forward with the clean-up operation, or slides backward into the mire.

Maine First Project supporters in multiple school districts across the state are working diligently to elect reform candidates in tomorrow’s election. They are doing the grunt work that wins campaigns: door-knocks, phone calls, yard signs. Our local Mainers for Excellence in Education teams are key to these efforts.

We’re backing up the strong ground game with a mail campaign, and judging by the hysterical, freaked-out reaction from the alphabet mafia, we must be right over the target. 

The diversity fascists are foaming at the mouth over this mailer and others like it in several districts:

Frankly, I thought this was a rather tame mailer, but what do I know? It provoked gnashing of teeth and accusations of terrorism on lunatic Leftist social media platforms. Here’s an especially absurd and paranoid outburst referring to the above flyer:

Could you imagine if you were a child, confused about your feelings, maybe afraid to come out to your parents? Then you check the mail and see this…

Really? Is that the best the fear-mongers can do?

I’ll let you know later in the week about the results of the races we were involved in.

In the meantime, mark your calendar for Saturday, September 14th, when Maine First Project will host an Activist Training from 9 am to noon in Paris, Maine. Details to follow.

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