The first rule of politics is understanding politicians want to win re-election. We can use that knowledge to our advantage by utilizing grassroots lobbying. Maine First Project makes it as easy as possible for as many patriots as possible to contact their legislators weighing in on pieces of legislation. Lawmakers need to know their constituents are watching their votes in Augusta.

Maine First Programs
Activist Training Courses
Maine First Project is dedicated to building a peaceful and patriotic grassroots army to hold elected officials accountable. Our FREE trainings include:
- How to engage and motivate your friends and neighbors.
- How to convince lawmakers to champion Maine First policies.
- How recruit and motivate passionate volunteers.
- How to build and network coalitions of like-minded patriots.
- How to properly message Maine First policies to the masses.
- How to acquire earned-media and use media properly.
- How to execute the ground tactics necessary to win at the ballot box.
- And much more!

Grassroots Lobbying
Mainers for Excellence in Education
Mainers for Excellence in Education is a grassroots initiative launched by Maine First Project in late 2022.
These local groups of parents and taxpayers are being organized to hold school boards accountable for what’s going on in Maine’s K-12 classrooms — as well as the restrooms and locker rooms.
Beginning at the level of government closest to the people, these Mainers are working to expose the dumbing-down and indoctrination that are the rule rather than the exception in Maine’s government-run schools.
Whether they’re attending school board meetings, submitting FOAA requests, writing letters-to-the-editor, making phone calls, knocking on doors, or stepping up as school-board candidates, these Maine patriots are on the frontlines of Maine First Project’s grassroots army of activists.

Backbone Maine
Maine has a rich tradition that made it a great place to live and raise a family. Those traditions have been under attack by San Francisco Values politicians and special interest groups. Only by empowering the industries will we restore Maine to The Way Life Should Be.
- Connecting with Maine’s Fishing, Farming and Forestry workers – educating them on what’s going on in Augusta and how it impacts their industry, then activating them to make change.
- Actively advocating for policies benefiting the hardworking men and women of Maine’s traditional Fishing, Farming and Forestry industries.
- Recruiting workers in the Fishing, Farming and Forestry industries to run for and win elected office, so they can properly represent their fellow workers.
Maine First Agenda
Step one is knowing what you’re fighting for. Step two is fighting.
- Recruit and train Maine First patriots to run for and win elected office.
- Push for all candidates on both sides of the political aisle to commit to putting Maine first by singing the Maine First Agenda pledge.
- Lobby for Maine First Agenda policies to be introduced, voted on and passed in Augusta.