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Are You Ready to Fight for Another Victory?

How sweet it is! And at the same time, how sickening.

Chalk up another victory in Maine First Project’s campaign to protect Maine school children from the deranged LGBTQIA+ gender-benders who are driving the sex-ed agenda across the state.

Recently, thanks to Shawn McBrearity and Maine First Project’s Forgotten Parents Initiative, we exposed some of the most egregious transgender indoctrination you can imagine in Maine’s K-12 government-run schools.

This demented curriculum material was aimed at kindergartners, telling them that sometimes the doctor makes a mistake when the doc decides whether a newborn baby is a boy or a girl! The Maine Department of Education (MDOE) actually funded this grotesque nonsense with federal COVID relief funds.

Two weeks before the scandal landed on the front pages of Maine’s very Fake News media outlets, Maine First Project posted the horrifying video clip on social media. It even includes LGBTQIA+ cartoon characters singing about “queer” and “pansexual” families.

Hats off to the Maine GOP for creating 60-second radio and TV ads highlighting the transgender activist teacher — Kailina Mills (no relation to the Governor) — explaining to your kids and grandkids that doctors are often wrong when they assign gender at birth.


How could any adult plant such a rotten — and potentially traumatizing — seed in the minds of innocent 5-year-olds?

Swamp Queen Janet Mills knew this was a bad look in the middle of her re-election bid against Paul LePage – so she ordered the video scrubbed from the MDOE website. But there’s plenty more of the same in the “LGBTQIA+ resources” section on the Department’s website.

Portland’s failed former mayor, the dolt Ethan Strimling, called Janet a “coward,” while the teacher who was paid $1000 for brainwashing kindergartners complained that the Guv “caved to pressure.”

Believe me, it’s fun to watch this Leftist fratricide unfold in public, with the long knives coming out in the battle between the Authoritarian Left (Mills) and the Lunatic Left (Strimling). Have at it, you guys!

Well, with your help, let’s see if we can get Mills to cave again.

Maine First Project has been successful in gathering hundreds of signatures on our petition demanding Mills fire Maine Commissioner of Education Pender Mankin.

We are going to turn the signatures in on June 1st, so please, click here today and sign the petition to help make education in Maine great again! 

It’s time for Maine’s Commissioner of Student Indoctrination, Pender Makin, to start looking for a job where she has no authority over any aspect of public education.

And it’s going to be up to the Swamp Queen to hand Makin her walking papers:

Dear Governor Mills,

Whereas, the Maine Department of Education (MDOE), under the leadership of Commissioner Pender Makin, has embraced the racist, anti-American ideology known as Critical Race Theory (CRT), and encouraged local school districts to incorporate CRT into curricula and reading lists; and

Whereas, Commissioner Makin’s MDOE is promoting teacher training material encouraging teachers to (1) inquire into students’ sexual orientation and “gender identity,” and (2) encourage students to share their various “identities” with classmates; and

Whereas, Commissioner Makin’s MDOE is actively encouraging school administrators and faculty to provide students with sexually explicit material that can only be described as pornographic; and

Whereas, educational assessment data dating back to 2007 indicate fewer than half of Maine 4th graders and 8th graders are proficient at grade level in reading, science, and math; and

Whereas, Commissioner Makin’s MDOE has buried the embarrassing data on the Department’s website and introduced a new assessment model that purports to show close to 90 percent proficiency across the board: and

Whereas, Commissioner Makin’s MDOE has failed to address the failure of Maine’s K-12 public schools to teach the basics;

Be it resolved, therefore, we the undersigned residents of the state of Maine call on Governor Mills to immediately (1) request the resignation of Commissioner Makin and (2) nominate an acting Commissioner who will restore honesty and integrity to the Department, and put the interests of the next generation of Mainers ahead of the teachers’ unions and their lobbyists in Augusta.

Maine First Project victories have been piling up this year – making us the target of a renewed smear campaign calculated to silence our efforts.

We’re not bending to the will of the woke mob and its Fake News enablers.

When your opponents in the political and cultural wars unleash their slings and arrows, you don’t wave the white flag of surrender, you double down!

Please take one minute to sign our petition to end Pender Mankin’s brainwashing career. Not only will you help Maine students and parents, but you’ll be sending a message to the Social Justice Snowflakes that you’ve taken all you can stand — and you won’t stand for any more educational malpractice.

Let the woke metropolitan elitists know you’re not going anywhere, you will fight peacefully and patriotically to restore Maine to The Way Life Should Be!

Remember, we’re only collecting signatures until June 1st when we’ll be turning the petitions over to Gov. Mills to see if she does the right thing — or covers for the radical agenda at MDOE.

Thank you so much for being in this fight by my side. It would be lonely in the trenches without the loyal support of Maine Patriots like you.


Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project


Swamp Queen Janet Mills and her Indoctrinator-in-Chief Pender Makin are destroying K-12 education in Maine – and the prospects for the next generation of Mainers.

Maine students need a return to reading, writing, and arithmetic – and an end to Critical Race Theory and transgender propaganda!

Please click here TODAY and sign this petition demanding Gov. Mills fire Mankin at once, so we can make education in Maine great again. Petition collection will only run until June 1st, at which point we’ll be turning them in. 

And if you’re able, consider chipping in with a gift to Maine First Project, so we can continue shining a bright light into the darkest corners of the swamp in Augusta — places where others don’t dare to tread, for fear of the backlash from the swamp critters and their allies in the Fake News media.

Whether it’s $10, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford, your support will enable our team to reach and mobilize more Mainers for the peaceful and patriotic battles ahead — at the Statehouse, and on the campaign trail in this election year.

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