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Bogeyman Alert: Smear campaign backfires on Maine Dems!

I want to say “Thank you!” to a pair of former Democrat state reps who attacked me on the pages of the Bangor Daily News for not being terrified by the Democrats’ neo-Nazi bogeymen lurking in the woods of Springfield, Maine.

The reps shall remain nameless, since they are nobodies who crave attention, and I don’t want to reward them for their bad behavior…

Had it not been for their malicious and ignorant smear, the BDN never would have published my opinion column last week correcting the record. It was a great opportunity to drive home the point that the bogeymen are a distraction from Gov. Mills’ five-year plan to turn Maine into a gigantic harboring haven for tens of thousands of poor, unskilled illegal immigrants who don’t speak English.

I’m writing today to ask for your help in derailing Gov. Mills’ executive order to create a new state bureaucracy — a so-called “Office of New Americans” — to attract another 75,000 illegal immigrants to settle in Maine at taxpayer expense. The proposal will be presented to the Legislature in late January.

Maine First Project is spearheading a direct-mail campaign to reach 10,000 Maine households before the end of October. The first batch of 2,500 pieces landed in mailboxes this week. We’re planning to send another 10,000 pieces beginning in November — if we can generate the revenue to make that happen.

The objective is to mobilize grassroots opposition to Mills’ insane scheme to drive wages down and taxes up for life-long Mainers who work hard and play by the rules. Winning this fight will require the application of steady, unrelenting pressure on state legislators before they return to the Augusta swamp in early January.

Your contribution of $20, $35, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford will be the fuel for a second round of direct mail to motivate and mobilize Mainers to apply maximum pressure on their legislators. Can I count on you to chip in with a generous gift?

I’m excited about our prospects for awakening the slumbering giant!

Even liberal Democrats in Portland are shaking their heads and wondering if Gov. Mills is toking recreational weed in the Blaine House. We can’t handle 3,000 border crashers arriving here in the course of a year, and now she wants to flood the zone with 15,000 per year.


In closing, some questions to ponder:

How many more Mainers need to die from fentanyl poisoning before Gov. Janet Mills sobers up from her intoxication with the wide-open southern border? Can’t she connect the dots between open borders and the spike in fentanyl fatalities? Is the death toll worth it just to have a large pool of cheap labor that drives down wages for Mainers and drives up votes for Democrats?

But there is reason for hope. Momentum is building and Maine First Project is scoring victories.

Together, we can win this fight for Maine’s future! I’m looking forward to you standing next to Maine First Project on the winning team.

Best Regards,

Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project

In a comment posted on Facebook in response to my opinion column in the BDN, here’s how one reader described the media hype around the supposed neo-Nazis in Springfield:

“Simply a ploy to distract us from the fact that we are being run by a bunch of fascists in Augusta. Not by neo-nazis mind you but our elected officials.”

Did you hear that, Janet and Rachel and Troy?

Let’s teach that tiresome trio a lesson.

Your contribution of $20, $35, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford will be the fuel for a second round of direct mail to motivate and mobilize Mainers to apply maximum pressure on their legislators to reject Mills’ five-year plan to destroy Maine as we know it. Can I count on you to chip in with a generous gift?

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