By Larry Lockman
It’s unfortunate that Republican legislators at the Statehouse in Augusta have thrown in the towel and joined with left-wing, open-borders Democrats in their relentless campaign to make Maine a more attractive destination for…
By Steve Robinson
Rep. John Andrews (R-Paris)
The Judiciary Committee of the Maine State Legislature held a hearing Tuesday on a bill that would clarify that public record requests submitted pursuant to Maine’s Freedom of Access Act…
Over the past half-century, Maine's K-12 government-run schools have spawned a multitude of leeches in the Augusta swamp.
Chief among the parasites is the Maine School Management Association (MSMA) -- a quasi-governmental non-profit entity created in…
"Academic learning is definitely going to take a backseat to all of these other pieces," Maine Department of Education Commissioner Pender Makin told lawmakers Wednesday.
By Steve Robinson
Maine Education Commissioner Pender Makin (left) and Gov.…
The unannounced arrival in Maine of nearly 1,000 illegal immigrants since the first of the year is a crisis our ruling class in Augusta will NOT let go to waste.
To the open-borders radicals on both…
I'd like to nominate Rep. Melanie Sachs (Dingbat - Freeport) as the dumbest, most delusional state legislator of the week. In a written statement no doubt prepared by her staff, Sachs declared that "The state…
In case you missed it, here's a link to The Ingraham Angle interview of 11-year-old Knox Zajac and his father Adam on Tuesday night.
The father-and-son team from Windham spoke to a huge state-wide and national audience,…
RSU 14 parents from Windham and Raymond aired grievances against the school board and the school system Wednesday evening, with an overwhelming majority of parents opposing x-rated books and intrusive, sexualized surveys.
Steve Robinson
At a…
Did you see the Maine mom from Damariscotta on Fox & Friends yesterday morning?
Amber Lavigne joined the program to discuss her discovery in December that the Great Salt Bay Community School in Damariscotta had secretly…
By Steve Robinson
You’re fed up.
Maybe the local school is trying to brainwash your kids into little left-wing foot soldiers. Or the school board is full of purple-haired Gender and Women’s Studies Majors who don’t really…
There they go again!
If there's a single trait that defines the "diversity, equity, and inclusion" (DEI) crowd, it's their seething intolerance. Under no circumstances will they permit dissent from their totalitarian agenda.
The diversity fascists' bullying and…
By Steve Robinson
(Source: Falmouth Schools Facebook)
A Falmouth parent was bullied and accused of being a racist after a Jan. 18 meeting organized by Falmouth school officials.
The purpose of the meeting was to assuage parents’ concerns…