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Time to push back against Foreigners First agenda

The unannounced arrival in Maine of nearly 1,000 illegal immigrants since the first of the year is a crisis our ruling class in Augusta will NOT let go to waste.

To the open-borders radicals on both sides of the aisle, this isn’t a crisis at all — but rather an opportunity to fundamentally alter Maine’s demographic profile as the oldest and whitest state in America, and to drive down wages for life-long Mainers.

To make Maine an even more attractive destination for just about everyone in the Third World, Speaker of the House Rachel Talbot Ross wants to give free healthcare to anyone who sneaks across the southern border and heads for Maine. Her Medicaid-for-all bill (LD 199) is almost a sure bet for enactment.

If you’re as irate and disgusted as I am, please take a moment to look up your state legislators, and urge them to vote No when LD 199 comes to the floor. You can click here for their contact information.

You know as well as I do that we cannot stop the Medicaid-for- illegals bill from passing, given the Foreigners First majority in both the House and Senate.

But with one voice, Maine patriots need to let lawmakers know that nothing short of a No vote is acceptable. Tell them you plan to cast a ballot against any legislator who votes in favor of LD 199.

The truth is that our corrupt and malevolent ruling class in Augusta is delighted with the long-term — perhaps permanent — damage this foreign invasion is doing to Maine’s embattled culture and economy. In fact, the uni-party is actively encouraging this onslaught as the ideal solution to Maine’s shameful whiteness and our lack of a large pool of cheap labor.

The legions of foreign-born “new Mainers” who continue to arrive here are being rewarded with free housing in brand-new apartments, free education in our K-12 schools — where their children can learn to hate the awful white people who oppress them — and now free healthcare.

Please contact your legislators, and let them know you’re opposed to LD 199, and you expect them to vote No when the bill comes to the floor.

Whatever the outcome in the short term, Maine First Project is in this fight for the long haul. I believe it will take 4 to 5 election cycles to begin reversing Maine’s radical transformation since the plague of Cultural Marxism took root here. 

We didn’t get into this mess overnight, and we won’t restore Maine to The Way Life Should Be overnight either.

The San Francisco Values crowd started this fight, but with your help, we will finish it peacefully and patriotically!

Thanks to patriots like you in the trenches with us, momentum is on our side — and we’re starting to rack up some victories.

The next victory starts with you contacting your state legislators and letting them know they will be held accountable for their votes on LD 199.

You and I both know this freebies-for-foreigners bill is likely to pass in a Legislature dominated by Leftist ideologues. But make them aware that you will be watching, and you will hold them accountable.

Together, we will reclaim our beloved state from the diversity fascists, and we will accomplish that reclamation one school district, one town council, one county commission, and one state legislative district at a time. As long as it takes.

Are you with me?

Let’s go!

Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project

It was 20 years ago this year that the city of Portland declared itself a so-called “sanctuary” for illegal immigrants. Today, Maine’s international reputation as a Harboring Haven where illegals can help themselves to free housing, healthcare, and education is stronger than ever — even as our ability to provide freebies for foreigners collapses.

Now the Speaker of the House wants to throw gasoline on the fire her party started 20 years ago!

Tell her No!

Click here to find your legislators’ contact information.

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