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CRT Clown Show in Hampden: Not Funny Anymore

By November 19, 2021September 20th, 2022No Comments

Who would have predicted, just a few years ago, that the Hampden, Maine school district (Regional School Unit 22) would turn into a swamp of lunatic Leftist indoctrination? 

An upscale suburban community of 7500 people just off Interstate 95 in eastern Maine, Hampden boasts a median annual household income of $86,071, compared to $65,712 across the entire United States, and $57,918 in Maine. 

With numbers like that — and a plus-500 Republican voter registration advantage over Democrats — it’s shocking that Hampden’s school board and administrators are as woke as the wokest educators in any of America’s blue-state big cities.

Ironically, it was the Democrat-run state Department of Education (DOE) that inadvertantly blew the whistle on RSU 22’s embrace of Critical Race Theory and the deranged LGBTQIA+ gender-bender ideology.

Last month, DOE educrats chose Hampden middle-school teacher Kelsey Stoyanova as the 2022 Teacher of the Year, citing her work on “auditing, aligning, and enhancing” the curriculum, and her implementation of a recommended reading list for students.

The DOE press release praised Stoyanova for highlighting BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and LGBTQIA+ authors.

As you know, making decisions about which authors to highlight based on their skin color is the very definition of racism. But that’s the sort of racism Leftists celebrate, and encourage K-12 students to embrace.

Stoyanova’s book list includes the sacred texts of the CRT cult — but doesn’t include a single one of the numerous books by black authors who reject the “systemic racism” mythology of the Left. 

As much as they preach “diversity,” there isn’t a shred of intellectual diversity in the Social Justice Warriors’ K-12 curricula.

The good news is that the slumbering giant is beginning to stir!

Thanks in large measure to the diligence of Hampden native Shawn McBreairty, the RSU school board is feeling the heat from parents and taxpayers in the district.

Check out Shawn at the RSU 22 board meeting on Wednesday night, calling on the chairman of the board to resign for his manifest dereliction of duty.

Shawn recently came on board as our Director of Special Projects, and we couldn’t be more impressed with his diligence, his attention to detail, and his ability to inspire and lead.

With that in mind, please consider chipping in to support our Forgotten Parents Initiative that Shawn is spearheading. Whether it’s $10, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford, your gift will support our efforts to train and mobilize more Mainers to oppose Leftist indoctrination in their local K-12 government-run schools.

Don’t miss Shawn this morning on the radio between 6 and 6:30 am with George Hale and Ric Tyler, for an interview that was recorded in-studio yesterday.

Shawn will recap the clown show that took place at the RSU 22 board meeting on Wednesday night.

Soldier on, my friend!

Best Regards,

Hon. Lawrence Lockman, R-Bradley
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2022
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project