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John Bapst HS And USM Have A Lot In Common!

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They Both Cater to Woke Gender-Bender Madness!

With just 36 days to Election Day in Maine, I have some sobering news to deliver.

Anyone who thinks they can reason with the woke progressives who dominate our public and private institutions is living in a dream world — a very dangerous dream world that will end in a nightmare if Maine continues down the path we’re on right now.

Get a load of this headline from the Bangor Daily News:

After you’ve digested that, check out this photo of a sign on a pick-up truck parked in front of John Bapst High School in Bangor a couple of weeks ago:

Apparently, some Bapst students were traumatized by these hateful messages. Bapst principal (or rather “Head of School”) David Armistead was quick to offer assistance to the woke snowflakes:

It’s tempting to dismiss this foolishness as laughably stupid (and it is), but please resist that temptation, because this is deadly serious.

This will not end in our favor if we acquiesce — if we agree to play “Let’s pretend” with these fascist nitwits.

Beware, and remember the warning from David Horowitz: “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”  

One of the aggrieved USM students asked the professor
how many sexes there are. Two, the professor replied.

“I felt under personal attack,” the student (named Elizabeth Leibiger) told BDN reporter Troy Bennett. She claims to be “non-binary” (but there is no such thing) and she uses plural pronouns. Leibiger plans to become a high school English teacher.

The class, called “Creating a Positive Learning Environment,” is required to become a certified teacher in Maine.

Initially, just one of the 23 graduate students agreed with the professor, but after a 3-hour long “facilitated restorative justice meeting,” that student apologized to the others. Ouch! What a browbeating that must have been to extract an apology from the lone dissenter.

My guess is that after apologizing, he or she (or they?) went on to recite the catechism of Big Brother (or is he non-binary now? Big Sibling?):

George Orwell’s “1984” is precisely where we’re headed.

When a mentally ill student afflicted with gender-bender madness claims that a professor’s statement that there are only two sexes is a “personal attack,” we need to understand exactly what’s being said.

The Left’s inner totalitarian has broken out and is on the prowl.

Once you label non-threatening speech that you disagree with as equivalent to violence, we’re on the path to sending anyone who violates the Left’s speech codes to a concentration camp. That’s where fascist regimes put dissenters who deviate from the prevailing ideology.

If the Democrats maintain their majority in the Maine House of Representatives on November 8th, the person in line to become the next Speaker of the House is a fully woke left-wing extremist who believes that “silence equals violence” in the class struggle against “the genocide that has been waged against us since you stole this land from the indigenous Native people.” 

That’s now a mainstream view on the Left.

So how many GOP legislative candidates are making educational freedom a central issue in their campaigns? How many are calling out the K-12 government-run schools for dumbing down, radicalizing, and grooming the next generation of Mainers?

Very few, that’s how many, even in “safe” districts. In some cases, we’re hearing the sound of silence even in districts that are so “red” the GOP candidate is unopposed.

Check with your local House and Senate candidates — both Republicans and Democrats — and ask them where they stand.What’s going on at John Bapst and USM is also going on in just about every government-run K-12 school from Kittery to Fort Kent.

Dismantling this dysfunctional monopoly will require political courage, which seems to be in short supply on the GOP side of the aisle. Or am I missing something? Let me know where there are candidates who are standing up and playing offense, and I’ll be glad to recognize them.

Time is running out.


Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2022
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project

There is a temptation to laugh at the current lunacy of the Left.

And we should laugh at them — as long as we understand their ideology is dangerous and derived from hate.

Get the laughs out of your system, and then join Maine First Project as we peacefully and patriotically fight to restore Maine to The Way Life Should Be!


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