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Maine High School Hires “Drag-Queen” For Student Workshop

“Priscilla Poppycocks” gets $1,000 and is labeled a “role model” for students 

By @ShawnMcBreairty

Bangor, Maine – In a gross misuse of taxpayer funds, Bangor High School (BHS) paid drag performer Dominick Varney, aka “Priscilla Poppycocks,” $1,000 to speak at a workshop for invited LGBTQ youth in which the students were incentivised with catered food and allowed to skip regular class instruction time.

Drag Performer Dominick Varney, aka “Priscilla Poppycocks,” spoke to BHS students on 5/4/23. 

BHS English Teacher Emilie Throckmorton (she/her) hired Dominick Varney to come to the first event of the “Support, Educate, Empower” Series.  Mr. Varney is better known as “Priscilla Poppycocks” in the drag performance community.  This is a fantasy land of “drag-queen” deviancy where men often get sexually aroused by wearing female underwear.  This sexual fetish is now being brought into local Maine schools and discussed with minor children.  The abject immorality and celebration of delusional people, many with mental illness being pushed on minor students is simply tragic.  But, that’s the state of our Maine schools.  Tragic.  

Ms. Throckmorton stated in an email to Dominick Varney, “I was thinking you could share some of your story that was told in your show?  I just know you are a role model for these kids, and we just want you to shine a light on them.”  Wait…did she write, “role model” to describe a drag queen?!

Dominick Varney (left) in his black corset and garters during one of his show performances.  

What definition of “role model” are teachers using today for our public K-12 schools?  

role model  [ rohl-mod-l ]


  1. a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people.

Is a role model now encompassing drag queens who are being paid to teach children?  Is drag being sold to other teachers and parents as being somehow inclusive, or a great win for Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE)?  Maybe the next person brought in for the BHS school series will be a Minor Attracted Person?  John Money, who coined the term “gender,” suggested that some people have an inner-child, making them attracted to minors and it should be accepted and encouraged.  What BHS has done is open a “Pandora’s Box” of sexual immorality and mental health issues to students.  You see, that’s the goal folks, the normalization of sex with minors, to create division inside the American family structure.  Paid for by your property tax dollars.

What would you think the percentage of BHS parents were that knew about this event?  I’d guess somewhere south of 10% and that’s on the high end.  It was not listed on the BHS public events calendar.  Groomers inside schools want to keep the transparency near zero for events such as this, or face backlash from questioning parents and taxpayers.  But, it goes way deeper than that.  

Drag is a political cult.  It’s a religion.  It’s a political, religious trans-cult. 


The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence were recognized at a nearly empty Los Angeles Dodgers Stadium on June 16th, 2023.

A recent article in The American Spectator mentioned that “Queer theory, as it came to be generically known, aimed to overthrow…hierarchy, replac[ing] the binary structure of male-female, and create a world of unbounded sexual expression.  Drag queens, adult men wearing ball gowns and high-heels, glitter and sequins, outlandish face makeup, and bombastic hair, emerged as vivid symbols of sexual transgression that promised to undermine repressive Western norms.”

“Drag is inherently and thoroughly a sexualized project…” 

Steven Watts goes on to say, “Moreover, the sexual essence of drag constitutes a revolutionary agenda for overturning the male-female gender binary and subverting longstanding sexual and social norms in American and Western culture. So if you think drag queens are just fun and humorous, you’re kidding yourself.”   This is what parents should be pushing back with.  Facts.

“Sarah Hankins, a queer theorist specializing in the study of drag queens, did extensive fieldwork in Boston-area drag venues and wrote an influential 2015 article describing drag performances as ‘potent stagings of gender, sex and social power as intersectional categories,’ an endeavor that ranged from ‘on-stage teasing to lap dancing, grinding, kissing, mock oral sex, and sadomasochistic scenarios.’ Hankins noted that drag queens employ ‘tropes of primitivism and degeneracy as tools of protest and liberation,’ all in the interests of upending sexual hierarchies.” 

Drag queens are now saying the quiet part out loud.  They will want your kids.  

Just recently a group of hundreds of drag queens and other members of the LGBTQ community marched through NYC’s Tompkins Square Park.  The drag march on June 25th went through NYC’s East Village and ended at the Stonewall Inn.  In a video shared on social media, these groomers were captured chanting that they were “coming for your children.” 

Chris McLaughlin (left), Hermon, ME School Board Member and Executive Director of the National Association of Social Workers, Maine wears a tee shirt proclaiming his “love” for “trans kids.”  His favorite book is “Gender Queer,” he wants to keep secrets from parents and discuss “taboo” subjects with kids without your consent.  Mr. McLaughlin has no children of his own.  

Several “Pride” events occurred across the United States in which full frontal nudity was exhibited to children.  In the Seattle parade, dozens of naked men rode bicycles in front of crowds of kids, stopping to wave and show their junk.  At a Pride event in Toronto several naked men were standing in the middle of a crowd of children.  This has become the acceptable norm to liberal cities.  Public nudity is not an offense that is deemed a crime anymore?  It’s not too a far leap to recognize this could happen to children soon in Portland, ME, or Bangor, ME.  

What has transpired in the last year from the liberal left regarding these trans-activists pushing their ideology inside Maine K-12 schools was in the beginnings, that of denial.  “We are not inviting drag queens into our schools.”  Then after it began to be exposed it turned into, “Well, maybe we are talking about drag queens inside our schools because of the need for diverse voices” and anyone concerned is labeled a transphobe.  It then quickly was spun into, “Yes, we are inviting drag queens into our schools and it is very important for these students to hear them, or they might kill themselves!”  Which of course, is not accurate in any sense of the imagination.  

Ms. Throckmorton, the BHS English Teacher stated, “This is a school-day seminar, so students are able to attend instead of scheduled classes.”  Instead of spending the limited time spent on the basics of education, these students were pulled from regular classes.   There was even catered food there to eat.  Heck, when I was in high school, I’d have gone to this charade too if there was a chance to skip regular class.  But, that was way back when teachers actually concentrated on teaching.  Maine public schools have fallen off the proverbial cliff.  

The Nation’s Report Card stated that in 2022 in Maine’s K-12 schools only 29% of students can read at proficiency and only 24% of all students can perform math at proficiency.  The worst scores since being tracked in 1998.  But now drag queens are officially part of the curriculum of learning.  Drag queens.  Men who have a mental affliction to believe they can be women.  

Dana Carver-Bialer (she/her/hers) of the Bangor School Department has an email signature of “Coordinator of Diversity, Equity, Including and Belonging” (yes, that taxpayer-funded position apparently exists) but on the BHS website she is listed as the “Title IX and Affirmative Action Coordinator.”  Either way, she was apparently the “mastermind” behind setting up the grant money and the “5 workshops for LGBTQ youth.”

Dana Carver-Bialer makes $32.03 an hour, plus benefits at Bangor School Department and just received a hefty raise as a contract employee, which appears to not yet be permanent.

A quote from Ms. Carver-Bialer on the Bangor School Department website: “Tackling these issues in education are frequently the very topics that we are uncomfortable talking about.  To ensure student success, every student needs to feel represented, heard and respected. The Bangor School Department’s leadership continues to make a commitment to equity and inclusion in its schools.  Our differences are our strength, and preparing Bangor’s students to understand and celebrate diversity positions them to be tomorrow’s global leaders.  I look forward to collaborating with people from a wide range of identities and lived experiences in this important work.”  Seems like a political, left-wing grift to me. 

Instead of the school being inspired by “our differences,” teachers walk around on eggshells because if they say anything against Ms. Carver-Bailer’s leftist programming, they will be hauled into the principal’s office.  So most BHS teachers don’t fully engage, don’t fully participate, and just want to keep their heads down.  There is limited, if any collaboration.  Because, of course, leftists are totalitarians.  There is no actual “diversity” of thought, only a one-way street.  

Stephanie Hendrix (she, her, hers), another English Teacher at BHS and the Civil Rights Team Advisor and an instructor at the University of Maine College of Education, was also part of the planning process to bring the drag queen to Bangor High School.  Anyone noticing a theme here?  In my travels across the state, we have a bunch of woke, white, women pushing their liberal agenda on students.  But, apparently very few of these English teachers do a good job in teaching kids how to read, write, or create simple sentence structures.  

Enough with the pronouns already…

It is so absolutely ridiculous that you think anyone cares about your sexual narcissism.  

$1,000 in taxpayer funding was paid to Dominick Varney as an “honorarium.”  This amount was spent from a $15,000 Nellie Mae grant executed by Cathleen Neslusan, who is a Grant Writer/Development Director, along with Dana Carver-Bialer and received by the Bangor School Department.  Taxpayer money was paid to a drag queen!  $1k is not a bad gig for an hour and a half worth of talking.  BHS parents and area taxpayers should wonder how many grants Bangor School Department has applied for to enrich actual educational basics?  Math, reading, science…those things that are supposed to be taught?  

Confirmation of Dominick Varney will be sent $1,000 to his taxpayer-funded University of Maine email address.  (The second performer’s information was illegally redacted and requested to be provided to Maine Source Of Truth.)

Nellie Mae claims to be an “educational foundation,” but is a leftist, super-woke New England organization targeting youth.  They push “dark money” into Maine schools with a strategy listed as, “five grant funds structured to reinforce one another in advancing our mission of championing efforts that prioritize community goals that challenge racial inequities and advance excellent, student-centered public education for all New England youth.”  

Here are just some of the grants provided by Nellie Mae this year, but interesting that the BHS grant was not listed on the Nellie Mae website:


  • Casco Bay High School in Portland, Maine received $2,036 for a “Queer Elders Project.”
  • Foundation for Portland (ME) Public Schools received $25,000 for “Building Student Capacity as Restorative Justice Leaders.”
  • Restorative Justice Project Maine received $25,000 for “Addressing Racial Harm in Schools Using Restorative Practices.”

Now it would appear that this BHS drag queen event wasn’t without “public scrutiny.”  I will only assume that when we exposed this drag queen event inside Bangor High School back late April and May on the Maine Source Of Truth Facebook page, that some questions, or concerns came forth from the public.  This is what is needed from parents and taxpayers.  Start asking questions and demanding transparency.  Is there a lawyer in the house?  


BHS reaffirms to Dominick Varney that he should continue with his grooming event for minor students. 

Parents and taxpayers need to be taking an active step to ensure that any taxpayer dollars spent on woke positions, grants, events, whatever, should all be discontinued.  All the focus should be on these students learning and mastering the basics of education.  Not indoctrination.  The always increasing tax burden on homeowners is insane and it’s because of non-value-added positions just like Ms. Dana-Bialer.  Maine First Project can assist you in these efforts.  

There are four more events like this scheduled in this five-part series at BHS.  Parents of BHS students should demand from their school board that this is not the type of activity that needs to be performed inside our schools, with minor children.  Dominick Varney’s $1,000 “honorarium” should be paid back to the taxpayers.  The entire BHS department of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) should be eliminated, in this journalist’s educated opinion.  They add nothing but division to our schools and create little narcissists thinking the world revolves around their traits.

But, here is where we are parents.  Your child can’t do math, but they know how to pick their pronouns.  Your child is probably already slated to become a social justice warrior when they exit high school.  Keep rolling the dice parents, maybe your kid will turn out ok, but the odds here in Maine are immeasurably stacked against you.  When do you stand up to this corruption of your child’s education?  When do  you demand better?  When do you worry less about your image and more about your child?  Your child, your reason for being on this earth.  

Dominick Varney’s song, “Living For Drag: The Making of a Queen” was performed at the 2022 Bangor Pride event.

DominickVarney’s family moved from England to Winterport, ME when he was 10.  He entered middle school and “felt like an outsider.”  He claims he was bullied in high school for being gay.  I won’t condone if there was actual bullying going on in this man’s life as he grew up.  But it also seems like this is being used all around us as a crutch, or an excuse to transfer mental health issues onto others, including children.  Two wrongs do not make it right.  Our role should be to shield children from sexual immorality, not condone it.  Not invite it into our schools.  

Everyone should feel safe in our communities.  Everyone should have equal opportunities to succeed in life.  Everyone should evolve on their own to be the best person they can be.  But division and immorality are being pushed in our schools.  It is not acceptable.  

We are all equal under God and under the law (allegedly).  

Frankly, I couldn’t care less what Dominick Varney does in his personal life.  Or, in an adults- only event, closed to minor children.  But he should be nowhere near students, speaking to them about his propensity to act out as a trans-stripper, dressing up like a groomer clown and performing in female blackface, pretending to be a woman, being demeaning towards women, while being inherently sexualized.  This fetish lifestyle has a political agenda.  

In no uncertain terms, he shouldn’t be paid taxpayer money either.  Students should not be pulled out of regular, critical educational instruction time for their hyper-sexualization.  If Mr. Varney wants to market his wares to adults, feel free.  All the power to him.  I don’t condone it, I don’t agree with it, but this is still a fairly free country.  

Just stay away from the kids…and teachers, leave those kids alone!

Shawn McBreairty is the Director of Special Projects at Maine First Project, a non-profit organization offering grassroots advocacy training in multiple areas.  For three years, Shawn has been exposing CRT and the hyper-sexualization of minors (“aka” grooming in the classroom) as well as many dangers within the programs, teachings and curriculum of Maine and this nation’s public, K-12 schools. Check out Shawn’s Podcast, “Maine Source Of Truth,” which can be found anywhere you listen.  Follow the podcast page on Facebook and @ShawnMcBreairty on social media.

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