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Swamp Alert! Woke Leftists Are Coming for Your House

As we have long suspected, the Left’s full-court press to enact legislation making “affordable housing” available to Mainers was a fraud from the beginning.

The pending legislation — that’s been in the works since last June — never was about helping Mainers. Never.

It’s all about eradicating the supposed systemic racism that infects Maine.

Leftist legislators want to destroy single-family neighborhoods because those communities — and the people in them — are inherently racist.

Maine’s shamefully white small towns and suburbs must give way to “integrated” public housing projects paid for by taxpayers. That’s how we’re going to accommodate wave after wave of non-citizen newcomers arriving here on Greyhound buses from the wide-open southern border.

Please contact your state Representative and Senator and insist that they vote NO on LD 2003. The bill is expected to be brought to the full legislature this week, so your action is needed now!

Thanks to the far-Left, lunatic-fringe Maine Peoples Alliance for dropping the mask and saying out loud what the cowardly Democrats only whisper to each other!

Through its Fake News media arm, the Beacon, the pedophile-loving MPA advocated for the end of single-family housing — aka, the American Dream — because, you guessed it, those homes are sanctuaries for white privilege.

This revelation provided just exactly the clarity we needed this week as Speaker Fecteau’s housing bill emerges from committee and heads for debate and votes in the Maine House of Representatives.

We expect LD 2003 to be reported out of committee any time this week.

The good news is that the Republicans on the committee sobered up and voted Ought Not to Pass instead of offering another watered-down, Slums-to-Suburbs Lite amendment. The committee vote was 8 to 4 in favor of the bill.

Please contact your state Representative and Senator and insist that they vote NO on LD 2003. Let them know that you oppose giving unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in Augusta a blank check to dictate housing policy in Maine. LEAVE US ALONE!

The young Bolsheviks at MPA are all in for LD 2003, and they were very impressed with the testimony in committee by Craig Saddlemire, founder of the Raise-Op Housing Cooperative in Lewiston:

“The term ‘preserving the character of community’ [common in many zoning ordinances] has traditionally been a racist and classist code for ‘keeping our community white and upper-middle-class.’” 

Get it?

The Beacon piece went on to explain why single-family zoning is so rotten and racist:

“Across the country, city councils and state legislatures, such as in Minneapolis and New York State, are beginning to pass bills against single-family zoning, which has been historically used to block low-income people and people of color who can’t afford a home from moving into certain neighborhoods.”

Take that, you bigot!

Fecteau’s bill also has the backing of the Maine Immigrants’ Rights Coalition (MIRC). Here’s how the MIRC describes itself:

“A statewide network of 85 organizations, a majority of which are led by people of color – representing diverse ethnic communities across our state. All coalition member organizations are working to create and support programs and policies that promote immigrant inclusion and integration.”

Lado Ladoka, a leader of the Maine Immigrant Housing Coalition, said that along with the zoning reforms, “lawmakers have an opportunity to take real steps to address the housing crisis with a historic $1.3 billion revenue surplus that along with other needs could be used to fund new affordable housing construction.”

Is the picture clear now?

The backers of Fecteau’s bill want the Legislature to spend $1.3 billion to build housing for the illegal immigrants — currently housed in hotel rooms at YOUR expense — who continue to pour into Maine.

That’s why I’m urging you to take action TODAY. Please contact your state Representative and Senator and insist that they vote NO on the Slums-to-Suburbs bill LD 2003. Ending single-family homes is NOT the way to restore Maine back to The Way Life Should Be.

If there were ever any doubt about who is the tail that wags the Democrat donkey in Maine politics, that uncertainty ended last week.

The far-Left, lunatic-fringe Maine Peoples Alliance let the cat out of the bag (pardon the mixed metaphor) with the revelation that the street gang of young Bolsheviks at the MPA is the tail.

Thank you in advance for answering the call in this fight for the future of Maine!

Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project


Thank you MPA!

The woke Left in Maine had been so disciplined on the Slums-to-Suburbs debate — “It’s all about making housing affordable for Mainers,” they’ve cried. But deep down, this movement was always about so-called “social justice” and “equity of outcomes”.

But leave it to our friends at the Maine Pedophile Authority to say the quiet part out loud!

Please contact your state Representative and Senator and insist that they vote NO on the Slums-to-Suburbs bill LD 2003. We do NOT want the worst slums of South Portland coming to suburban and rural Maine!

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