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The Swamp Strikes Back! Speaker Fecteau Offers “Shift & Shaft” Amendment to Housing Bill

Never underestimate the determination of Leftist legislators in Augusta to control every aspect of your personal life.

And if they have to break or bend the rules along the way,
so be it!

That lesson is being hammered home this week at the Coliseum on the Kennebec.

Speaker of the Swamp Ryan Fecteau was shocked at the intensity of the opposition to his Slums-to-Suburbs scheme (LD 2003) during last week’s marathon public hearing before the Labor & Housing committee.

Thanks to Maine patriots like you, legislators were bombarded with testimony against the bill.

So late yesterday, less than 48 hours before the committee’s scheduled work session, Fecteau and his adult handlers pulled a fast one. They offered up a sliced and diced 17-page amended bill that may be even worse than the original 12-page bill it replaces!

Listed below is the contact info for the Democrat and Republican leaders on the Labor and Housing committee. Please make it clear to them that this bill is UNACCEPTABLE! No ifs, ands, or butts:  Ought Not to Pass.

Sen. Stacey Guerin of Glenburn
(207) 249-0472

Rep. Dick Bradstreet of Vassalboro
(207) 861-1657

Sen. Matthea Daughtry of Brunswick (Senate chair)
(207) 370-9871

Rep. Mike Sylvester of Portland  (House chair)
(207) 766-5758


Like the original bill, the amended version outlaws single-family residential zoning. That’s been the Left’s primary objective from the beginning. These lunatics want to “re-imagine” our neighborhoods as oases for border-crashing non-citizens from the Third World.

What’s more, the amended bill adds language mandating that all Maine municipalities abide by Obama’s “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act” (AFFHA) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rules. That provision opens the door for frivolous “discrimination” lawsuits initiated by an eager (one might say rabid) team of HUD lawyers.

What could possibly go wrong?


To begin with, the amended bill won’t be subject to a public hearing. It will go straight to a work session tomorrow, when it will be debated by committee members, who may decide to vote on it — or table it.

That’s how business is done in the swamp, especially with a looming adjournment date: “We don’t have time for no stinkin’ hearings!”

They need to pass the bill so we can see what’s in it…..

I believe this last-minute amendment is an admission of weakness and failure. The Boy Wonder from Biddeford, Speaker Fecteau, wasn’t counting on so many Mainers pushing back against his Foreigners First agenda.

Now more than ever, we need to turn up the heat on members of the Labor and Housing committee. Let them know you will remember in November if they give the nod to this wretched piece of legislation.

To listen in on the work session, click here this morning at 10 am.

And if you can chip in with $10, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford to Maine First Project, we will continue to shine a bright light into the darkest corners of the Augusta swamp.

Stay the course, we have the weasels on the run!


Hon. Lawrence Lockman
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project


Do young boys and girls grow up dreaming about their rent-controlled two-bedroom apartment in a bad neighborhood with three different locks on the doors?

No, they don’t.

They dream about a large house filled with family, with a big yard for pets and neighborhood BBQs.

LD 2003, if enacted, will crush those dreams.

Fecteau’s bill is an attack on single-family homeowners. It’s part of the woke Left’s war of attrition on the nuclear family. And if it’s successful, it will urbanize Red America.

Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.

Please make it clear to the committee that this bill is UNACCEPTABLE! No ifs, ands, or butts:  Ought Not to Pass.


Sen. Stacey Guerin of Glenburn
(207) 249-0472

Rep. Dick Bradstreet of Vassalboro
(207) 861-1657

Sen. Matthea Daughtry of Brunswick (Senate chair)
(207) 370-9871

Rep. Mike Sylvester of Portland  (House chair)
(207) 766-5758

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