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Cultural Marxists hook up with Buffoon Brigade in House (echo) chamber


July 22, 2021

Are you getting sick and tired of hearing politicians make silly proclamations about “freedom of speech”?

I am! 

Last Monday, the stunningly stupid debate in the Maine House of Representatives on whether to discipline the racist bigot Representative from Hallowell — Charlotte Warren — lowered the IQs of everyone in the House chamber, if that’s possible.

I want to re-visit this controversy one more time (just once more, I promise!) because it’s a window into the much larger battlefield before us. On so many levels, the Charlotte Warren controversy is a microcosm of the conflict between the two opposing armies in America’s escalating culture war.

On one side are Maine First and America First patriots who love America and the Judeo-Christian foundation on which it is built.

On the other side are self-styled “progressives” who hate this country and its founders, and embrace the revolutionary ideology of cultural Marxism.

So let’s examine some of the lessons we can learn (and re-learn) from the reaction to Charlotte Warren’s racist, sexist, heterophobic outburst on July 1st.

Where to begin?


The first lesson is one we already knew, but need an occasional reminder: Leftists are shameless liars. There is no lie too big or too small for them, as long as it advances their cause.

The claim that Charlotte Warren’s right to “freedom of speech” protects her from any disciplinary action by her fellow legislators is a falsehood that was voiced from both sides of the aisle for the past three weeks.

But six years ago, when Democrats demanded a Republican state Senator’s resignation, nobody invoked “free speech” in defense of his social-media posts that offended Leftist sensibilities. Senate Democrats insisted that he be stripped of his committee chairmanship, even after he apologized — which, of course, was a huge mistake.

Another of the Left’s Big Lies was trumpeted from the Speaker’s office, in a written statement from perpetual victim Ryan Fecteau. He lamented that “women, people of color, and LGBTQ people” continue to endure “harsh rhetoric” that discredits them as unfit to hold public office. 

Never miss a chance to throw down the victim card, Ryan, even when there’s zero evidence that any of these so-called “marginalized communities” are being denied ballot access. Surely you understand that “harsh rhetoric” goes with the territory in politics, don’t you Ryan? 


Fecteau himself is an empty suit whose path to the Speakership was paved with repeated reminders that (1) he is gay, and (2) he was traumatized by a book review of Beyond Gay by David Morrison, during Fecteau’s freshman year in college.

That dreadful experience when he was 19 years old transformed young Ryan into a loud-mouthed opponent of any exercise of free speech that deviates from the LGBTQ catechism and its celebration of transgender supremacy.

Fecteau, you may recall, sponsored the ban on so-called “conversion therapy” that makes it against the law for any licensed professional in Maine to counsel a minor child against genital mutilation (sex change) surgery.

Maine doctors can be stripped of their licenses to practice medicine simply for warning youngsters that puberty-blocking drugs have potentially harmful side effects.

The lesson here? Leftists aren’t just pathological liars.

Their LGBTQ-inspired gag orders on doctors and therapists have effectively legalized child abuse in every jurisdiction where they have the votes to make it happen.

The Warren controversy was also a reminder that Maine’s lying, dying, very Fake News media don’t even pretend anymore to be in the journalism business. They are in the propaganda business. The near-total blackout they imposed on this story was designed to protect the unhinged racist bigot Charlotte Warren from the backlash that was sure to result from voters learning about her Facebook rant. 

The fake reporters who work for the fake media in Maine worship at the same church as Charlotte Warren, and share the same secular faith. You can call it the Church of Identity Politics (or Critical Race Theory or Cultural Marxism), but whatever you call it, their creed can be briefly summarized as follows:

“We believe the world is divided into two classes of people: the oppressor class (the white race collectively, but especially white heterosexual men), and the oppressed class (BIPOCs and the LGBTQ+ alphabet people).

The downtrodden members of the oppressed class are empowered to hurl whatever racist, sexist, heterophobic insults they please at the oppressors. But the oppressors may never say an unkind word about members of any of the marginalized communities.”

And all the fake journalists shouted, “Amen!” 


But perhaps the most important lesson we learned over the past three weeks is that pressure from the grassroots can force politicians to do things they don’t really want to do.   

Had it not been for all the phone calls and emails from Maine First patriots like you, members of the House would have swept the controversy under the rug without a roll call vote. 

Persistence paid off, a lesson we need to learn and re-learn from time to time.

In any case, the timing of this sordid spectacle of Identity Politics running amok at the Statehouse works well as a heads up for what Maine First Project is planning this fall.

We’re just weeks away from our first Activist Training of the season. These classes are basic training in the art of cultural and political warfare for citizen activists who want to assist the campaigns of Maine First candidates for the Maine Legislature.

The first training will be in Auburn on Saturday, September 18th, from 9 am to 1 pm.

The second one will be in Wells on Saturday, October 2nd, from 9 am to 1 pm.

These events are by invitation only, and capacity is limited. We require a $25 fully-refundable deposit to secure your seat.

Shoot me an email if you’re interested.  

Best Regards,

Hon. Lawrence Lockman, R-Bradley
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project

PS     If you have a strong stomach for buffoonery, here’s a brief clip of the clown show in the Maine House on Monday, when the knaves were debating whether Charlotte Warren should lose her committee chairmanship.

Kudos to Rep. Joel Stetkis for his floor speech in support of the proposed House order he sponsored. Sadly, it was all downhill after his outstanding presentation.

Go to minute 10:42 to watch your Representatives yukking it up together, treating the floor debate as a joke, or some sort of street theater for goofy legislators.

Honestly, some of these fools are completely lacking in self-awareness. Their condescending attitude toward constituents who don’t accept the bogus “free speech” defense is almost palpable.

If you’re able, please consider supporting our work at Maine First Project. Whether it’s $10, $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford, your gift will enable our team to continue reaching out to mobilize more Mainers to get informed and get involved.

Enjoy our too-short Maine summer, and get in touch if you’re interested in attending one of our free Activist Trainings.