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Democratic Socialists Of America Are In Maine

The Democratic Socialists of America Want To “Break” Maine Parents The DSA Wants To Take Over Your Local School Board


The far-left Maine Democratic Socialists of America (MDSA) states in its proclamation, “Whereas, the teacher movement is the tip of the spear of a revitalized labor movement and school board races are a clear way to build relationships with teachers unions (MEA) by showing ourselves to be the strongest fighters for teachers and quality public education for all.”  

Photo from @DSA_Maine twitter feed, June 17th, 2023

“For all,” or for a very small, yet vocal minority of Mainers who clearly do not have a firm grasp  on reality?  

Maine First Project has been fighting fire with fire and racking up school board victories along the way.  The far-left doesn’t like that with our help and guidance, parents have been recalling groomers off the school boards and winning seats on them, as the no-longer silent majority finds its voice. 

The momentum is turning here in the Pine Tree State.  But, just like a child not getting its way, these woke extremists are throwing a full-blown tantrum.  One of the byproducts of that tantrum is the birth of the Maine Democratic Socialists of America (MDSA). 

You can learn more about how you can be a part of the winning team by clicking here and becoming a Maine First patriot. 

Today’s objective is to learn about who Maine First Project is fighting against.  Who will be controlling the government-run schools and molding the minds of the next generation of Mainers, if we don’t win the culture war?  Meet the Democratic Socialists of Maine.

The Maine contingent of Democratic Socialists of America describes itself as a “dues-paying membership organization…to organize around collective power.”  They are hard on issues like minimum wage increases and rent control.  They are extreme on being pro-abortion, pro-union, pro-Communism, pro-Bernie Sanders and pro-Antifa.  They are rabidly against parental rights and the police.  They claim they “welcome all who have anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalist ideologies.”  They state they have a “disproportionately high number of trans members” and thus push self-described “queer-theory.”  

Rose DuBois is one of the leaders of the MDSA.  Along with the far-left cohort, Shane Ruiz, they wrote the “Run DSA Candidates for School Boards” proclamation.  This, among other things, spreads the nonsensical notion that the so-called “far-right” is “eliminating trans people from our society.”  These are the types of claims that lead people like them into taking steps toward political violence.  Or, as we occasionally see, physical violence. 

DuBois also wrote an article to further describe this push in the “Socialist Forum,” a Democratic Socialists of America Publication.  In the article, Dubois speaks to the dangers of parental rights and putting academics ahead.  Maine’s Department of Education Commissioner, Pender Makin described it as “healthy humaning.”  DuBois and Ruiz are looking to introduce their resolution at their national convention this summer.

The Maine Democratic Socialists of America are coming for YOUR school board seats in YOUR district to push even more of the trans-agenda onto YOUR children.

The MDSA has made it clear, they view your child’s or grandchild’s classroom as their breeding ground for creating genderless, sexualized, confused trans-cultists.  

Rose is not wrong about the importance of representation on local Maine school boards. However, Rose is completely wrong as to what to do with the boards once on them.  If she had it her way, she’d radicalize Maine schools to the point where the teachers replace parents as the head of household in a kid’s life.  In some of our schools, this may already be happening.  

Maine students, parents, taxpayers and teachers must meet this far-left effort with equal resistance, or the indoctrination mills posing as public schools will only get worse for our next generation of Mainers.  Which is saying something considering the state’s current, historic, lowest of educational lows.  

“The current political movement is incredibly dangerous for trans people,” Rose states.  Rose uses the word “us” when describing trans-targeting, implying that “Rose” may actually be a man, but I’m speculating here.  Their argument is simply an attempt for you to fall for their emotional blackmail with no facts to back it up.  

In many cases within our Maine schools, it is the trans-cult that is bullying students.  In some Maine schools the trans-cult is sexually transitioning students behind parents’ backs.  Indeed their political movement is “incredibly dangerous,” not only for themselves, but for all God’s children.  

Rose goes on to write, “Nipping anti-trans organizing around school boards in the bud is therefore important to prevent conservatives from bubbling into more cohesive forces in new areas, while halting further consolidation in others.  If we are able to break them at the local level, it will be harder for them to gain momentum at the state and federal level.”  

The fact is, I’ve traveled up and down this state for three years, talking to thousands of concerned parents and I haven’t met a single person who is “anti-trans.”  That statement is like saying you are “anti-unicorn.”  Do people with mental illness who think they are another gender exist?  Clearly, as indicated by the MDSA membership.  Where we differ is how do you care for people suffering with gender dysphoria, imposed on children often by our public schools.  

Each of these poor souls needs our compassion and help.  But the radical left’s approach of pretending the delusions that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man is a real thing and then pushing that propaganda in Maine classrooms to the point of creating a social contagion, all with the rubber stamp of Maine school boards is simply wrong on every level.  

There is no such thing as a trans kid.  @againstgrmrsTwitter feed.

Their parents are convinced by radical groups like the MDSA that if they do not affirm, celebrate and medicalize their child’s perceived identity before adulthood, they will hurt themselves, or worse.  They say things like, “Do you want a dead daughter, or a trans-boy?”  This a statistically proven lie and gaslighting to the fullest extent.  Parents need to put their foot down now.  

The MDSA is using all the usual tactics of the left to implement its deadly agenda.  They divide people into “intersectional” groups, assign one group as protected and label the opposite group evil.  From there, they play the victimhood card and spread lies about the other side to elicit fear and generate hatred.  Then they launch cancel campaigns to silence anyone who disagrees with them and drive the loudest oppositions from polite society.  Of course, they do all of this while claiming to be compassionate and inclusive. 

Anti-American sentiment, “white privilege,” identity politics, BLM, LGBTQ+, queer-theory, victimhood, hyper-sexualization, cancel culture and all the “wokeness” being pushed inside our public schools has to stop.  

The left never let the facts get in the way of a good story.  They ignore objective truth, suppress the real truth and pass along “misinformation,” to steal one of their favorite buzzwords, to brainwash the population.  It is unfortunately working for some of our Maine residents.  

 The DSA proclamation goes on to state a bunch of lies such as:

  • Schools are under attack by billionaires – The reality is the only billionaires attacking schools are those like the far-left George Soros and trans-woman Jennifer Pritzker who are pumping money into confusing our youth with horrors such as trans-cultism.  Pritzker is the brother of Illinois Democrat Governor JP Pritzker who has signed a myriad of anti-reality legislation that will have a dramatic effect on students and parents there and will lead to childhood suicide rates skyrocketing.  
  • There is suppression of intellectual freedom – The truth is, the same people who cry about so-called “suppression” of materials in our K-12 public libraries are the ones pushing pornography and graphic sexualized materials onto our youth.  These so-called claims of “suppression” by the left are only attempts by concerned parents to standardize the materials in our public schools and ensure they are appropriate for minor children.  There are hundreds of inappropriate books in your local school that should have never been added by the librarian or teacher in the first place, but now to remove this “kiddie porn” from schools the left labels it “suppression?”  
  • Teachers are under immense pressure due to short staffing – This is due, for the most part, to teachers quitting the profession.  They’re leaving for several reasons, including a lack of discipline in the classroom and the woke politics they are being forced to teach.  Groups like the MDSA are pushing good teachers away and they know what they are doing.  Backfilling the vacancies with woke teachers who just graduated from a woke university to push more woke crap.  

The Maine GOP, conservative PACs and right-leaning think tanks need to wake up and grasp what is happening in Maine classrooms.  A small, yet determined group, spearheaded by the likes of the MDSA, want to take over your local school boards.  If they are successful, your child will be in for an even more horrific educational experience that they’re receiving currently.  It’s already complete gaslighting 101 behind the brick walls as Leftist Marxist theory has now proliferated our Maine K-12 public schools.  ​​But in the words of Bachman-Turner Overdrive – “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

Rose goes on to say, “So in sum, our approach must: 1) weaken the far right’s power to harm trans people; 2) take into account what we can realistically have an impact on, and; 3) allow us to spend our resources in a way that builds DSA. All three of these factors point to one thing: school boards.”

I’ve been saying for a while now, local control of school boards is the only way Maine parents and taxpayers will regain their rights.  Fortunately, Maine First Project has made a clear impact in this area.  This is a sign the far-left is getting desperate and scared that parents in Maine are waking up to the woke brainwashing happening that is replacing actual education in their local schools.  

Now entering the ring, the tag team of the MDSA and the MEA.

Maine parents and grandparents should be very concerned by the MDSA’s plot to further weaken your school leadership.  They also have a well-oiled and financed political monster in the Maine Education Association (MEA) “aka” the teachers union on their side.  The MEA is in lock step with the MDSA to shut conservative parents out and they are now celebrating it.  

Fox News Digital journalist Joshua Q. Nelson documents the MEA teachers union push to eliminate conservatives from local Maine school boards. 

Directly caused by the MEA, our Maine public educational system now features the lowest academic assessment scores in our state’s history.  This offshoot of the NEA now  wants to push porn to children this summer with “banned book” reading lists.  Neither the MDSA, nor the MEA care for your child’s safety, future, nor your taxes.  They are merely a money-laundering arms of the Democratic National Committee.  The MEA, like the MDSA, is looking to gain and wield power and not help anyone but themselves and their like-minded cronies in the process.  

If not you, then who?  If not now, then when?

Parents, your time to take a stand is right now.  Today.  If you don’t join the movement, and instead think you can wait for the “right time” to push back, believe me, the fight will only be harder for all of us.  Maine First Project can help you with your questions and provide you the resources needed to activate others in your local Maine communities.  Sign up for our email alerts at and we will look to keep you well informed.  

Rolling the dice and hoping your child makes it out of your local school alive is not a viable option.  First, get your kids out of these public schools run by our defective government.  Make a plan this summer to ensure they don’t go back in the fall.  While you are at it, join this fight, this culture war.  Maine needs people like you to get involved to fight for your children and your children’s children.  Our schools are worth fighting for, but it will be a long battle until they are fixed.

I’ll leave you with a note from our friend Rose, who paints a scary picture.  Rose wrote in her article, “It is also highly unlikely that our own membership would be particularly enthusiastic about campaigning for a candidate such as Biden.”  The takeaway from that comment is that as radical as Resident Biden has been in the Oval Office, he’s not extreme enough for these insane radicals who want to take over your local Maine school district.     

Shawn McBreairty is the Director of Special Projects at Maine First Project, a non-profit organization offering grassroots advocacy training in multiple areas.  For three years, Shawn has been exposing CRT and the hyper-sexualization of minors (“aka” grooming in the classroom) as well as many dangers within the programs, teachings and curriculum of Maine and this nation’s public, K-12 schools. Check out Shawn’s Podcast, “Maine Source Of Truth,” which can be found anywhere you listen.  Follow the podcast page on Facebook and @ShawnMcBreairty on social media.

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