July 16 – How is it possible that more than two weeks have passed since Rep. Charlotte Warren’s racist, sexist, heterophobic rant, without so much as a peep from anyone in legislative leadership?
Lips are zipped on both sides of the aisle at the swamp!
Actually, there’s been plenty of internal chatter, just no public statements.
The fact is that legislative leaders really don’t care what you think, and they’re confident this storm will blow over so they can get back to scratching each others’ backs without any distractions from people like you.
I’ll say it again: Charlotte Warren is unfit to hold ANY public office in Maine. The fact that she quickly took down her racist, sexist, heterophobic comments is an admission of guilt.
Her continued silence confirms her guilty plea.
Within days of Warren’s bigoted outburst, Republican leadership in the Maine House should have drafted an expulsion order for consideration by the entire House. The swamp re-convenes on Monday morning, July 19, and there’s no excuse for GOP leadership dropping the ball on this.
We need to get every member of the House on record with a roll call vote on expelling Warren. And if the Democrats move to table the order — to avoid a floor debate — a vote on a tabling motion is just as useful as a vote on the expulsion order. It puts every member on record so their constituents know who they can trust to represent them in Augusta.
Ask your Representative directly why they aren’t sponsoring an expulsion order!
You can find their contact information here.
And you can call the House GOP office at (207) 287-1440 to insist that the House GOP caucus put pressure on its leaders to move forward with an expulsion order.
If you haven’t already done so, you can sign the petition calling for Warren to be expelled from the House.
Here’s a big shout out to Gina LeDuc at Maine Legislative Watch Dogs for creating and circulating this petition!
Gina is a tireless “happy warrior” for all the forgotten Mainers who’ve been shoved aside by the swamp critters at the Statehouse. She stepped up when almost everyone else was sprinting for the tall grass.
Don’t miss Gina on the Voice of Maine talk radio, Monday morning at 7:30 with George Hale & Ric Tyler.
Gina will be discussing the latest developments in the campaign to boot the racist bigot from her seat in the House.
As always, thanks for all you do every day to stand up for the forgotten Mainers!
Best Regards,
Hon. Lawrence Lockman, R-Bradley
Maine House of Representatives, 2012-2020
Co-founder & President
Maine First Project
PS Are we going to sit by idly while our Representatives in Augusta allow a nasty Leftist bigot to get away with spewing her hatred for white heterosexual men?
I think not!
Make sure your Representative knows this is absolutely unacceptable.
No excuses!
Enjoy your weekend, and be sure to tune in Monday morning at 7:30 for Gina’s report from the front lines.